Tuesday, April 29, 2014

30 days since you left us...

We are still grieving. When will the grieving be over? Life is getting harder and harder.... I wish we have a time machine so we could go back to where we were from. I thought that we will be having a good life after we moved to the US. Wish we could stay in china or move to somewhere else....

Monday, April 14, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Life is just weird...

I wish life is easier for our family... Everything just going crazy this year. Wish we could go back!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


你的離開傷盡家𥚃每一個人的心。每一天都有anger! 你是一個傻女人。為什麼放棄自己的生命?你知道爸爸,媽媽,哥哥,我,弟弟的心有多痛?你這樣就離開,你有沒有想過我們有多心痛?好像世界末日!我們好想你!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Finall say good bye to you...

I still can't accept that you were gone. I miss you and your voice. Life is a bitch.... Why take away good people's life?

Sunday, April 6, 2014



Saturday, April 5, 2014

Life is a bitch...,

Why why why? Why it has to be my favorite sis? Younger aunt told grandma about sister and she cried non stop. It's the most painful week in my life. Sister treat eveyone so nice, she's the greatest granddaughter to grandma. She hurts a lot beside us...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 5 since you left...

We went to see you this afternoon, we can't stop our tears after seeing you. No matter what, you always look pretty to us. We miss you so much! Just 2 more days, we will never see you again.....

Thursday, April 3, 2014

4th days since you left....

We can't cry today because 4th uncle told us not to. It's been the day 4 since you left. You are making us doing a lot of works and decisions. I've never make my decision ever before because you were the one making it for us. Now that you gone, we are doing it. I wish you were never gone and stay with us. I know did you a lot for us already. It's our turn to make our decision now. We will grow up and be good sister and brothers helping parents.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Miss u!

你走了第二天,我們天天哭。你是一個大白痴!我們吃不了,睡不了,心好像冰一樣,好泠好痛。為什麼這樣對我們?我們不是愛對方嗎?如果你可以愛我們多一點,這樣的事情就可以不會發生。你走了之後我才發現家裡好悶。 我們需要你的EE or or。好想你!

Monday, March 31, 2014

First day you left us...

It's the first day you left us. I know how much pain you had. We all (family members) can feel the pain that you had. Even through, you left us. We know you are always in the house and talking and looking at us. I miss you very much. Today is the toughest day ever for our family.